Green Marketing Jobs

By Eric Hammer

Green marketing jobs are really no different from any other kind of marketing jobs. You'll still be doing all kinds of things in order to market the idea of the company organization you work for and you'll still have to understand all kinds of media in order to do the job. The big difference is that (assuming you care about the planet), you get to feel good about what you are doing for a living.

Marketing jobs can entail a wide variety of different kinds of work, from marketing writing which entails writing things like press releases, online content and opinion articles for local newspapers to working with a professional advertising firm which just happens to specialize in doing green marketing jobs for the world of environmentally friendly companies and organizations.

Keep in mind also that you may sometimes be working with smaller budgets than you might in general marketing jobs simply because you may work with a non profit organization. Non profits also often require their employees to wear multiple hats so it's rare that you'll find green marketing jobs which are exclusively marketing related with such organizations.

How Much Can You Make?

It is almost impossible to offer average salaries for green marketing jobs as the market includes every kind of job that exists in traditional marketing. So for example, entry level work as an account executive for an advertising firm that works in environmentally friendly work make be as low as $30,000 per year while those working for top firms, especially if they are not working exclusively on green campaigns could earn in the low to mid six figures.

Ways to Make More | Related Opportunities | Tips

The key to getting green marketing jobs is being flexible. While a handful of companies advertise specifically for green marketing jobs, there are a number of places where you may be able to work, such as a market research firm or an advertising consultancy which work with environmental groups but which don't necessarily have a specifically green focus themselves.

You can also look for work with other green firms, such as solar and wind power companies as well as non profit organizations such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace.

Qualifications / Requirements

Generally, you'll need at least a bachelor's degree in marketing to land green marketing jobs. It helps to also have some background in environmental causes so that you can communicate intelligently with clients or your supervisors if you work directly for a firm or organization.
Many companies will also require a master degree in marketing, though this can sometimes be mitigated by experience in the field.

First Steps

While still in school, try to get an internship with a marketing firm that specializes in the environmental field. Then, use that experience as a springboard to land a full time job once you finish school.


Check out these helpful resources to find out more about green marketing jobs.

Green Marketing.TV - A blog devoted to finding green marketing jobs.

Green Collar Blog: Green Marketing Jobs - While not specifically devoted to green marketing jobs, this blog includes jobs of all kinds in environmentally friendly companies and organizations and also has this page, devoted to marketing work for environmentally friendly organizations.

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